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x - TrueAwkwardM _ Happens2ME -x

member since 13 June 2010

x - TrueAwkwardM _ Happens2ME -x

well here r some awkward moments which always happens 2 me.♥

- That awkward moment when someone asks you what's wrong, where they're the problem.
- You see somebody in public that you used to be very close to but don’t talk to anymore… and you ignore each other.
- when someone tells you something like 3 times but you still don't understood.So , you just stay there and smile hopin it wasnt a q.
- I found out what kind of friends^I had^.
- When you make eye contact with a teacher.
- When you r singing ( or dancing ) thinking no one sees you , you turn back and then you realize tha all the time they were watching you ..

Well r all from now , but I'll add more :)♥Those r like everything happens. :| . See youu guyss.
Sometimes when people r sad , you just should smile and they\'ll do that too
Sometimes when people r sad , you just should smile and they\'ll do that too
Fuck (:
Fuck (:

Comments • 10

pandicorn 8 January 2013  
Ce pot să spun ? Chiar îmi place albumul .
SwagQueen 7 February 2012  
Lol nice , it's like that by me 2 ♥ :(
LoveJustinDrewBieber 9 May 2012  
awwww :(
Sadonia 7 February 2012  
Yeah. :) I know. Nice album ;) Originaaal ! :))
LoveJustinDrewBieber 9 May 2012  
yeah .. thanks xD
xxIHateYouFakesxx 22 November 2011  
RIGHT happens to me too. by the way I like the pics.
LoveJustinDrewBieber 27 November 2011  
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